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Eight Ways to Deal with Control Freaks in the Small Church
In small churches, each member has greater impact. This tends to attract control freaks. But we can deal with them lovingly and effectively.
When Evil Strikes: A Christian Answer to 'Isn’t Religion the Problem?'
With so much evil done in the name of religion, how is being a Christian any different?
Transition Without Relocation: 8 Steps to Stay Fresh In a Long-Term Pastorate
A pastor who stops learning, stops leading. And a pastor who stops leading, stops pastoring. Even if they stay on the job.
The 3-2-1 System for Better Annual Small Church Planning
Annual planning is harder in a small church, but that doesn't mean it's not possible. Or important.
11 Ways to Protect Your Spirit from the Demands of Pastoral Ministry
Pastoral ministry can be hazardous to our spiritual health. But it doesn’t need to be.
Young and Old Can Still Worship Jesus Together
A healthy inter-generational church is one of the few places where young and old can come together and learn from each other.
Let Them Lean In: The Power a Subtle Gospel
We've become very noisy and personality-driven in our presentation of the gospel. Sometimes whispering is better than yelling.
The Church Does Not Exist to Entertain Us – Or Bore Us
Jesus never bored people with the gospel. But entertainment was never the point. Truth was the point. And truth is never boring.
9 Things I Love to Hear In a Sermon
After thousands of sermons, you stop being impressed by the flash, and you start noticing the essentials.
Why Church Growth Is a Shockingly Inexact Science
Have you ever wondered why some mistakes will stop the numerical growth of one church, but not even slow another one down?
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